
Oct 12, 2014

Pan-Fried Salmon 煎三文鱼

Hello everyone!
Welcome to Easy Peasy!!!

Today I will be sharing with you guys a dish that I make very often at home, the Pan-Fried Salmon. This is a Japanese Salmon Teriyaki inspired dish, I wanted to make something that was not fishy, yet still have the great salmon flavor.


Let's get started!! 
Here are the ingredients that you will need:

* You can get the pre-cut salmon from super markets
1/2 of an onion
some ginger 
2 table spoons of soy-sauce
4 table spoons of water
Optional: 2 table spoons of Mirin
*If you don't have Mirin, you can substitute it with 1 tbsp of sugar

  1. Cut the ginger and onion into half an inch slices
  2. Turn the heat up to high
  3. Pre-heat the pan, add 1/2 tbsp of oil and wait for 10 seconds
  4. Add in the gingers and the onion and stir fried for 30 seconds
  5. Add in your salmon, and cook for 3 minutes on each side on high
  6. After 6 minutes, add in your spices and let it cook for 3 minutes on each side again.
  7. When it's done cooking on both sides, turn the heat down to medium low, and cook it again for 3 minutes on each side with the lid on.
  8. Garnish with some green onion on top.

Here is the video instruction!
And in 










We are done!

YAY!!! We did it!! \(^▽^)/

That was easy peasy right? 
I hope you guys liked the recipe and you would give it a try!!
Let me know how it goes!
SHARE YOUR PICS WITH ME ON Facebook !! ٩(●̮̃•)۶

Thank you so much for tuning in, 'till next time! 
Have Fun & Be Inspired!



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